Our hospital OPD is well equipped with ultra-modern diagnostic facilities, a large air-conditioned waiting lounge, a medical shop, and a television for entertainment during waiting time. As the best ENT surgeon in Udaipur, Surgeries are performed with state-of-the-art equipment and expertise at our clinic.


This surgery is performed by the best ENT surgeon in Udaipur, Dr. Sushant Joshi specializing in Surgeries for the perforation of the tympanic membrane (eardrum). Patients typically present with long-standing watery pus discharge from the ear, coupled with decreased hearing, exacerbated by humid conditions, upper respiratory infections, poor hygienic conditions, etc. The procedure is conducted under microscopic magnification, with the use of sutures depending on the site and size of the perforation.

Mastoid surgery

These surgeries are performed in patients with complaints of long standing ear discharge due to bone erosive pathology (attico-antral or cholesteatoma). Also known as unsafe ear disease because of its life threatening complications, patient usually presents with thick foul smelling, sometimes blood stained discharge, associated often with headache, decreased hearing and vertigo.
This surgery, aimed at providing patients with a dry, non-discharging ear, is performed under microscopic vision by the best ENT surgeon in Udaipur, specializing in surgeries. The procedure focuses on resolving issues related to long-standing ear discharge due to bone erosive pathology, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Coblation Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is performed in patients presenting with recurrent tonsils infection, associated with high grade fever, severe throat pain, neck nodes enlargement occurring more than 4 to 5 times a year.
At our center, Tonsillectomy surgeries, performed by the best ENT surgeon in Udaipur, utilize the latest coblation technology. This advanced method offers numerous advantages over conventional tonsillectomy, including reduced immediate and delayed bleeding, decreased post-operative pain, lower incidence of infections, and a more time-efficient procedure.

Debrider assisted Adenoidectomy

Adenoid hypertrophy is a very common problem seen in children. They present with mouth breathing, loud snoring at night, recurrent upper respiratory infections, facial changes and dental abnormalities.
Adenoidectomy is done under endoscopic vision assisted by powered instruments like microdebrider. This method of adenoid surgery ensures complete removal of adenoids decreasing chances of recurrence to minimum.

Micro laryngeal surgeries (MLS)

Vocal nodules or vocal cysts are benign lesions of vocal cords, usually found in teachers, singers or orators. Initially these can be treatedaz by medications and life style modifications, but many finally need micro laryngeal surgeries. Patient commonly comes with complaints of change in voice quality and throat discomfort.
Micro laryngeal surgeries, performed by the best ENT surgeon in Udaipur, are crucial for patients with early vocal cord malignancies. Individuals commonly present with complaints of voice quality changes and throat discomfort, making these surgeries instrumental in addressing such conditions.


Deviated nasal septum is common, but if it causes persistent nasal blockage and other symptoms, Septoplasty is the solution. Our Surgeries, led by the best ENT surgeon in Udaipur, address issues like nasal blockage, headache, epistaxis. In cases with external deformity, open rhinoplasty is performed for cosmetic correction.


Endoscopic sinus surgery is done for patients suffering from long standing rhinosinusitis, polyposis of nasal cavities, tumours of nose and sinuses etc.
FESS is done without any external cut, assisted by rigid nasal endoscopes and high definition cameras. FESS usually requires powered instruments like debrider and coblator for better results.

Endoscopic DCR

This surgery is done for patients suffering from chronic Dacryocystitis, means blockage of naso lacrimal duct (tear ducts). Here patient complaints of epiphora (continuous tearing of eyes) and eye discharge.
This surgery is done endoscopically without any external cut with the help of nasal endoscopes and camera.

Head & Neck surgeries

Commonly performed head & Neck surgeries at our centre comprises of diseases related to Thyroid glands, salivary glands, oral malignancies etc.

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